If you're one of those people who start their Christmas shopping in July and finish in September, this may not be the post for you. However, if you find yourself in the predicament of still trying to figure out what to buy for everyone that you love, you've come to the right place. (Our family has the same problem.) We've put our heads together and come up with a list of gifts, suitable for everyone in your life! Read on!
For the Person Who is Hard to Buy For: MPC Gift Card
For the Teacher: A Family Box
For Mom & Dad: A Steak Box

For the Grill-Master: Meat Church 3-Pack Seasoning Special
For the Employees: Christmas Hams
For the In-Laws: Bone-In Prime Rib Roast for a holiday feast
For White Elephants: MPC Gift Pack (Shirt, Cap, Seasonings, Gift Card)

Hopefully this will help you find those last few gifts you've been looking for!
Hey, in the year that nothing has made sense, at least your Christmas gifts can be practical! Everyone's gotta eat!
Y'all come see us!